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More Quotes Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience ....................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................... ..............."Sharon Salzberg has been practicing and studying Buddhism for more than thirty years, and during this time, has trained with some of the foremost masters of India, Burma, Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. She is an acclaimed spiritual leader and meditation instructor as well as cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society, a center devoted to meditation training, and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies in Massachusetts. She is the author of the noted book, Lovingkindness: the Revolutionary Art of Happiness. Sharon Salzberg writes, "No matter what we encounter in life, it is faith that enables us to try again, to trust again, to love again. Even in times of immense suffering, it is faith that enables us to relate to the present moment in such a way that we can go on, we can move forward, instead of becoming lost in resignation or despair." In Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, Salzberg draws on her own spiritual journey and the teachings of the Buddha to offer a new definition of faith as a quality that can heal life's deepest wounds. Salzberg presents a meaningful, intelligent sense of faith that does not require a belief system or a connection to any deity or God, but has an inner quality that unfolds as we learn to trust our own deepest experience. What follows is an edited version of her Bodhi Tree Bookstore August, 2002 presentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In meditation practice, the big life lessons are often contained in small packages. The instructions might seem almost simplistic, but in fact they often have a profound and powerful effect. That's what I have discovered. I first went to India to learn how to meditate in 1970. I was a student at the State University of New York at Buffalo and had taken a course in Asian philosophy, which included Buddhism. They also had an independent study program at the school, so I designed a project where I could go to India and study meditation. It was accepted, and off I went. I had a lot of ideas about the fantastic, supernatural, exotic, or esoteric technique I would be given that would cure all my ills and make me a happy person. Now, I had never meditated before for even one moment, and when I entered an intensive 10-day retreat, much to my amazement, the instruction was to sit down and feel your breath. My first thought was that I could have stayed in Buffalo to feel my breath, but then I thought, maybe I'm just like a baby. I'll do it for a while and I'll have the great breakthrough experience, which will be obvious to everybody, especially the teacher. And then he'll take me aside and he'll give me the real stuff. So it's been over 30 years, and when I go to practice in that lineage with those teachers, it's still the same instruction, that same simple, direct, returning to your present experience kind of instruction. There's something powerful about tuning into that kind of simplicity. We need not think of meditation practice as an effort to squeeze our minds down to, say, the breath, while rejecting all thoughts and getting tighter and tighter and tighter. We can think of it as learning how to return. As we meditate, we're with one breath or two breaths or three breaths, and our mind leaps to the past to some situation that we may regret but can no longer change. Or our mind jumps off into the future and we create an entire world that has not happened and may never happen. Mark Twain said something like, "Some of the worse things in my life never happened." But that's what our mind does. And so, to learn how to come back gently with compassion for ourselves, honoring the ability we have -- no matter what -- to always begin again, that's really the art of meditation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Faith is being in touch with the strengths or powers in this universe that are not defined or crushed by our circumstances. Then we can go forward, even if we're very afraid." - Sharon Salzberg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I first told people I wanted to write a book on faith, I was often met with disbelief, chagrin, or alarm -- all kinds of intense reactions. Some people felt they came to Buddhism to get away from faith. But when I looked into my own life, and the lives of my friends and my meditation students, I felt that faith was the one quality that really led us through difficult times, or enlarged our picture of life so that we could go beyond limitation. However, many people think that faith implies losing your ability to question, or to understand for yourself. Nowadays, we live in a molten, volcanic universe where everything changes all of the time. We can't even count on knowing what will happen tonight. I wanted to invite a use of the word "faith" that admitted how much we don't know, and still left room for the courage to go forward. The traditional meaning of the word "faith," or the more literal translation from the Buddhist tradition is "to place your heart upon," "to offer your heart." But we need discernment, care, and intelligence in looking at where the heart's offering is going. It's not antithetical to wisdom at all. For me, faith means connection. It means connecting to the deepest strengths we have within ourselves, while also connecting to a world view where we understand how closely linked we are to one another. No matter how alone we might feel, or disconnected, or separate, that's not actually the truth of the matter. I think we rely on faith all the time anyway, or we'd never get out of bed in the morning. Why do we try? What has us believe that tomorrow doesn't have to look like today? What has us think that the self image that has imprisoned us won't always dominate our minds? What has us willing to take a risk to be different? That's all faith. I think our use of faith, or our treasuring of faith, can be vibrant, alive and fresh and liberating. It doesn't need to carry all of our usual associations. I once taught meditation in a federal women's prison in California. One woman said, "When you're in prison, it's especially important to try to live in the present moment because there's nothing easier than to be completely lost in the past, which you cannot change, or to live in helpless longing for a future, which is not yet here." She added, "If you do that, then it's like you're not really alive." And then she looked at me and said, "I choose life. I choose to be alive." I thought this was a quintessential expression of faith. We can't know what will happen next, but we can be truthful to what is happening right now. And when we do that, we discover strengths within that are different from our normal point of view. Originally I wanted the book to be subtitled "The Journey from Lucy to Lalla," and here is why: Some friends and I once moved into a house to do a retreat and I discovered that someone had left a cartoon in the bedroom that I was going to use. It was a cartoon from the "Peanuts" comic strip. In the first frame, Lucy says to Charlie Brown, "You know, Charlie Brown, the problem with you is that you're you." Then in the second frame, poor Charlie Brown looks at her and says, "Well, what in the world can I do about that?" Then in the third and final frame, Lucy says, "I don't pretend to be able to give advice. I merely point out the problem." And somehow, whenever I was doing walking meditation by that desk, my eye would fall on that line - "The problem with you is that you're you" - which resonated very strongly, as it does for many people. I'm sure Charlie Brown had suspected his entire life that if he really looked deeply inside, it would be bad news. And that's where most of us begin - but, then, something happens. We meet a teacher, read a poem, go to a sacred site, or we imagine how life can be different. That's a stage in Buddhism that is called "bright faith," which is like falling in love. It's as though we've been looking at a door that seems to have been shut forever, and then it opens. And what has seemed like a small, enclosed, limited possibility expands. It blows open and we are lifted out of our ordinary life into this immensity, this glorious, beautiful state. In Buddhist teaching, faith is a process that continually evolves and changes. The first stage of bright faith is only the beginning. The next stage is called "verified faith," where we're no longer so dependent on someone else, since we know the truth inside of ourselves. Verified faith is grounded in our own sense of what's true, in our own experience. Now, strangely enough, the path from bright faith to verified faith is by way of doubt -- doubting and wondering and questioning and exploring. It means we demand to know the truth for ourselves, through our own practice, rather than just admiring it in someone else. We have the famous Buddhist saying, "Don't believe anything just because I say it. Put it into practice. See for yourself what's true." We have the common view that doubt is the enemy of faith, but the right kind of doubt is based on the feeling that we have both the right and the ability to know the truth for ourselves. That kind of doubt will enhance and enrich our faith. If anything is the opposite of faith, it's despair. Faith is that which links us up and connects us to these deepest truths within. It connects us to one another and to a bigger picture of life. The opposite of that is the feeling that we are completely disconnected, alone, or utterly isolated. That's a state of despair, and that's the opposite of faith. And so, that's the journey. It starts more often than not with "Lucy mind." And what it comes to, I think, can be expressed in a saying by Lalla or La Ded, a fourteenth century mystic from Kashmir. This passage is from the epilogue of my book: "At the end of a crazy-moon night the love of God rose I said, 'It's me, Lalla.'" As if renewing her acquaintance with an old friend, Lalla addresses her God casually, sweetly, intimately. Enchanted, I felt inspired by her winsome response, her calm expectation of being remembered. "Hi, you remember me, don't you?" Lalla offers herself completely, no reticence due to feeling a lack of self-worth, no questioning of her absolute right to be there, face-to-face with the vastness of her ultimate truth . . . Like Lalla, we all have that absolute right to reach out, without holding back, toward what we care about more than anything. Whether we describe the recipient as God, or a profound sense of indestructible love, or the dream of a kinder world, it is in the act of offering our hearts in faith that something in us transforms, and what may have been merely a remote abstraction flames into life. "It's me, Lalla," becomes "It's me . . . whoever we are," proclaiming that we no longer stand on the sidelines, but are leaping directly into the center of our lives, our truth, our full potential. No one can take that leap for us; and no one has to. This is our journey of faith. QUESTION: What is the difference between faith and belief? SALZBERG: Beliefs, as I use the word, are constructs that contour our sense of the universe. I might believe in a future life, for example, and therefore, that affects the way I behave in this one. Faith, in contrast, is admitting what we don't know and going forward anyway because of that strength of heart. I don't think beliefs are necessarily bad at all. They may bring not only comfort and solace, but also inspiration and a tremendous articulation of truths that we can't affirm through our own experience. But everything depends on how we hold the belief. QUESTION: It seems that you first need something almost like faith to arrive at verified faith, or some kind of trust in your own self. How does that come about? SALZBERG: You do need trust in your own self, and I think that is a great challenge for many of us. We need to learn to trust our own deepest experience and honor that -- my sense of faith is very much interwoven with that kind of love and respect for oneself. It's like a journey. It's halting, and it happens in fits and starts, but we know where we want to go. There's nothing wrong, or incorrect about finding that we have to begin again and again and again. There are many ways to work with our doubts or uncertainties. The primary tool I've used, of course, is meditation. Rather than the strict, formal sense of meditation, that means having an ability to relate to the various things that come up in one's mind with compassion, wit and some ease rather than spiraling into a negative self-judgment. QUESTION: I heard you say that fear is the opposite of faith. Can you talk about that a little bit? SALZBERG: Fear certainly is different than faith. But one of the things I learned, and one of the things I wrote about, is that we can have faith right alongside our fear. We don't have to vanquish our fear or make it go away. Instead, we can learn to touch something deeper in the face of the fear, which enables us to go on. The chapter I wrote about fear draws on my experience with Ram Dass. He is a very important spiritual teacher and friend for many of us, and as you may know, he had a stroke. From a Buddhist point of view, the fears we experienced about Ram Dass would be called fixated hope, which is similar to attachment. We feared that maybe he'll be able to walk again, but not talk, or maybe he'll be able to talk again, but not walk, or maybe this or that will happen, as though by saying something enough we could make it so. I really wanted him to get better. But I realized at some point that he himself was going into the unknown, and the only way to fully go there with him in love and friendship was to acknowledge that. The fear didn't go away, but in some ways, it was more surrounded with love and care. I saw him not long ago. I was teaching a retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center up North and one night he came to dinner. When he had to leave, he decided he wanted to walk down the stairs instead of using his wheelchair on the ramp. So someone lifted him up out of the wheelchair, and then step by laborious step, leaning on somebody, he went down the stairs. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, we almost dropped him, but we got him into the wheelchair. He wheeled over to the edge of the car door and lifted himself up inside the car. During this whole time my heart was sinking, and I kept thinking, that this was such an ordeal for him and so painful to watch. But then, as I was standing directly in front of him, he looked at me and gave me a beautiful, radiant smile and said, "None of this makes any difference at all, you know that." And I said, "Oh. I guess I do know that." This was a beautiful expression of faith, touching on those deepest truths, those things that will support and sustain us. It is our own power of love, the love that is in the universe and our power of connection, no matter what. Faith is being in touch with the strengths or powers in this universe that are not defined or crushed by our circumstances. Then we can go forward, even if we're very afraid. "
David 'Love' Jones Top Ten Charts

Oct 2015 African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouver

1. Stan Getz / Luiz Bonfá / Maria Toledo – Saudade Vem Correndo ( DLJ Reedit Aug 2015) )(1963 Verve LP Jazz Samba Encore! )
2. Kamasi Washington - The Rhythm Changes / Henrietta Our Hero ( Brainfeeder 3LP 2015)
3. Hiatus Kaiyote – Nakamarra (2013 LP Tawk Tomahawk)
4. James Mason / Clarice Taylor – The Dance Of Life ( Rush hour Recordings 12" 1977 / 2015
5. Tarika Blue - Truth Is The Key ( Chiaroscuro Records LP 1977
6. Harvey Averne – Never Learned To Dance ( 1971 Fania LP The Harvey Averne Dozen)
7. Eska - Shades Of Blue ( 2015 Naim Edge LP )
8. Tall Black Guy - You Look Like A Tall Black Guy Intro / The Dark Streets 2015 DLJ Edit ( 8 Miles To Moenart LP 2013)
9. Donnie – You Got A Friend ( Giant Step 2LP The Colored Section )
10. Tenorio Jr. Nebulosa (7" 45 Mr Bongo)

Oct 2014 African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouve

1. Yasiin Gaye - Intro / Modern Marvel ( DLJ Reedit) ( Self Released 2014 2LP The Return (Side Two) ) '
2. Sheila Jordan - Inchworm ( BlackHawk Records 1988 LP The Crossing)
3. Massiah - Seventh Heaven ( DLJ Remix 2014) ( Quality 1982 LP Seventh Heaven)
4. Pete Rodriguez - Oh Thats Nice ( 7" Allegre Records 1967)
5 Celia Cruz - Bembera Colara ( 1977 Tico LP )
6. Mongo Santamaria - Dirty Willy (Explosion 1968 Riverside LP )
7. Amalia - Black Daylight ( Live @ CITR May 2014)
8. F2D - So Much More ( Seattle USA WC 7" )
9. Moodymann - Nikki-O - U Look Lyk Ice Cream N The Summertime (2014 2LP)
10. Wicked Lester - Gay With An E ( Vancouver Canada 2009 Muto 7")

Apr 2014 African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouver

1. Jazz Liberatorz - Asheru Jazz Freestyle ( 2008 Kif Records 2LP Clin d`oeil )
2. Jazz Liberatorz - T Love Jazz Freestyle ( Kif Records 2LP Clin d`oeil )
3. Moodymann / Funkadelic - Girl / Sloppy Cosmic ( slight reedit DLJ 2014) ( 2014 2LP)
4. Osunlade - Dionne ( 2013 Yoruba 7" )
5. Diggs Duke - Something In My Soul ( Offering For Anxious ( 2013 Brownswood LP Offering For The Anxious) )
6. Gregory Porter - Musical Genocide ( 2013 Bluenote 2LP Liquid Love)
7. Robert Glasper -- Porter Chops Glasper ( 2013 LTD Bluenote 10") (2014 DLJ Slight Reedit)
8. Bobby Bland - Shoes ( 1967 Duke 7" 45 )
9. Omar – The Man ( Freestyle Records 2013 LP S/T)
10. Linda Jones - I Just Can't Live My Life (Without You Babe) ( Warner 7" 1969)

Sep 2013 African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouver

1. Alexandre Klinke - Caboclo ( Arthur Verocai ) ( March 29 2013 Live CITR UBC)

2. The Family Affair - I Had A Friend ( Authentic Records 7" 45 Early 70`s

3. Pucho and his Latin Soul Brothers - Psychedelic Pucho (DLJ 2013 Edit) (1972 Prestige LP Heat! )

4. Siobahn Barker - Standing On The Shore (LIVE CITR March 08 2013)

5. The Trails Of Jayson Hoover - We Are All People ( 1971 7" Kapp Record

6. Sandra Wright - I Come Running Back ( 2011 Shotgun 7" 45 from 1974 )

7. Tony Middleton and Bobby Matos - Returns To Spanish Harlem ( Speed Records 1968 7"

8. Bloodstone - Closer Together ( 1974 London LP I Need Time )

9. Bobby Patterson - Im In Love With You ( 1972 Jetstar JS-121 7" )

10. The Montclairs - Unwanted Love ( 1972 Paula Records 7" 45 )

Sep 2012 African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouver

1 Jill Scott - Blessed / So In Love / Womanifesto ( 2011 WB 2LP )
2 Deep Seated - There Is A Way ( Vancouver, Canada 2012 Unreleased Forthcoming EP
3 Amanda Maiden / Rufus - Sweet Thing ( Live In Tokyo 2011)( from forthcoming Live LP)
4 Rufus / Maysa Leak - Any Love ( Live In Tokyo 2011)( from forthcoming 2012 Live
5 Rufus - Street Player ( ABC 1978 LP Rufus and Chaka
6 Chuck Brown - Go Go Swing / Moodys Mood For Love ( 1986 Future Records & Tapes LP )
6 . SunlightSquare Latin Combo - I Believe In Miracles ( 7" Sunlightsquare Records 2010 )
7. Deep Seated - Time Has Come ( 2012 Unreleased Forthcoming EP) (Vancouver, Canada 2012 )
8 . Amanda Maiden + Danny - Hollywood ( Live In Studio @ CITR Fri, 29 Jun 2012 Vancouver, Canada )
9. Gato Barberi - Fiesta ( DLJ 2012 Reedit)
10 Donna Summer - My Baby Understands ( Bad Girls 2LP)
10 Robert Glasper Experiment - Lift Off / Cherish The Day ( Lalah Hathaway / Ledisi - Gonna Be Alright (F.T.B.) ( 2012 Bluenote 2LP Black Radio)

Top 10 Chart - - African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouver Apr 2012

1 Charles Bradley - How Long ( 2011 Dunham Daptone LP)
2 Fat Freddys Drop - Hope ( Live CD EP )
3 Carl Hall - What About You ( 1973 Columbia 7")
4 Thundercat - For Love I Come ( Brainfeeder 2011 LP The Golden Age Of Apocalypse )
5 Jay Dee - African Rhythms / Brazilian Groove ( EWF) ( 2001 BBE 2LP Welcome 2 Detroit )
6 Arthur Verocai - Caboclo ( Continental 1972 LP )
7 Lee Fields - Faithfull Man ( 2012 Truth and Soul LP Faithfull Man)
8 Solomon Burke - None Of Us Are Free ( 2002 Fat Possum 2LP )
9 Etta James - Life Love And The Blues ( 1998 CD Private Music)
10 Incognito - If You Want My Love ( 2002 Dome Records 2LP Who Needs Love)

- African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouver Nov 2011

Thundercat - For Love I Come ( Brainfeeder 2011 LP The Golden Age Of Apocalypse )

Van Ark - David Love Jones - Henry Meets Bobbi ( Aug 21 2011 )

Teena Marie - Dear Mr Gaye ( DLJ Reedit With Love 2011 Sep)( LP 1984 Epic LP Starchild

Esperanza Spalding - Overjoyed ( Live @ tha WH 2011

THEEsatisfaction - Lincoln ( 2011 SubPop )

Three Ounces Of Love - Today will Soon Be Yesterday ( Motown 1981 S/T LP)

Georgia Anne Muldrow - Wrong Way ( Olesi: Fragments Of An Earth - Stones Throw Records 2006 )

Marius Cultier - Les Anges Noirs ( Transworld LP

Leon Ware - I Wanna Be Where You Are ( Musical Massage 2001 Expansion Issue 2LP)

Tony Troutman - Whats The Use? ( 1976 Jerri Records 7")

Leroy Hutson - Don`t It Make You Feel Good ( 1976 Curtom LP Hutson 2 )

Amy Winehouse - I Heard Love Is Blind ( 2003 Island LP Frank )

African Rhythms Radio David Love Jones UBC CITR Vancouver Apr 2011

Tim Maia - Idade ( 1972 S/T LP Polydor)( Brasil)

The Roots / John Legend - Little Ghetto Boy ( 2010 2LP Wake Up!)

Blaze - World Peace ( 2002 Kickin Music 2LP Spiritually Speaking )

Gorillaz / Bobby Womack - Cloud Of Unknowing ( 2010 2LP Plastic Beach)

New World - Were Gonna Make It ( Curtis Mayfield Production)( Polydor 2010 Reissue 7")

MoodyMann - Music People ( Jan 2011 David Love Jones Reedit) ( 1997 Planet E LP Silent Introduction)

The Revelation Of Jesus - The Measuring Of A Temple And Two Witnesses ( 2LP 1979 Family Tree Records)

Tony Troutman - Whats The Use? ( 1976 Jerri Records 7")

Gil Scott Heron / XX - New York Is Killing Me ( 2010 LP)

James Brown - So Long ( 1976 Polydor LP "Hot")

David Love Jones - African Rhythms Radio CITR UBC Radio Vancouver -

1. Linnea - Little Things ( Produced By Van Ark)( 2010 Van Ark - Tony Moon - Sacred Sounds
2. Roots - Dear God 2.0 Featuring Monsters Of Folk/ Monsters Of Folk - Dear God ( 2010 LP How I Got Over)
3 Cinematic - Across The Sky ( 2010 MP3 Vancouver Canada)
4. Billy Paul - I Want Cha Baby ( 9th Wonder Remix)
6. Gil Scott Heron - Bicentennial Blues ( May 2010 ) David Love Jones Reedit ( Arista 1978 LP The Mind Of..)
7. Joe Bataan - Young Gifted And Brown / Cowboys To Girls( 1972 Fania LP Singin` Some Soul )
8. Georgia Anne Muldrow - The Plan Pt 1 ( 2008 CD Madlib Beat Konducta)
9. Rita Lee / Tutti Frutti - Agora E Moda ( LP Babilonia 1973 )
10. Cinematic - Just Another Day ( David Love Jones Reedit July 2010)

May - 2010 - CITR - African Rhythms Radio - David Love Jones - UBC Radio Vancouver BC Canada

1. Hookfoot - Am What ( DLJ Reedit Apr 2010 )( 1971 LP S/T )
2. Eddie Palmieri/ Felipe Luciano - Azucar ( May 2010 David Love Jones Remix ) ( 1972 Tico LP Live At Sing Sing W/ Harlem River Drive)
3. Toninho Horta - Aquelas Coisas Todas ( Sanguessuga) ( EMI 1972 LP )
4. Jose James - Velvet - 2007 - (The Dreamer LP )
5. Carla Whitney - It`s You For Me ( Attic Records Canada 1975 LP)
6. Joe Bataan - Young Gifted And Brown ( 1972 Fania LP Singin` Some Soul
7. Janis Ian - Light A Light ( Apr 2010 DLJ Reedit)( 1975 LP Between The Lines)
8. Gil Scott Heron - Piano Player Intro, Home Is Where The Hatred Is, Winter in America, Jazz Interlude ( XL 2010 2LP I`m New Here)
9. Floating Points - Love Me Like This ( Radio) May 2010 DLJ Slight Reedit)(R2 Records 2009 12")
10. Seawind - He Loves You ( DLJ May 2010 Reedit)( 1976 CTI LP S/

- March - 2010 - CITR UBC Radio Vancouver BC Canada

1. Jazz Liberatorz - Clin d'Oeil ( 2008 S/T CD Phantom Sound & Vision )
2. Gil Scott Heron - Piano Player Intro, Home Is Where The Hatred Is, Winter in America, Jazz Interlude ( XL 2010 2LP I`m New Here)
3. David Ruffin - Rode By The Place Where We Used To Stay ( 1977 - 7" Motown)
4. Nancy Wilson - Sunshine ( DLJ Reedit 2010 Feb ) ( 1979 Capitol LP Life Love and Harmony)
5. F Frimpong and his Cubanos Fiestas - Kyenkyen bi adi m`awa ( Ghana Special 5LP) 2010
6. The Lord Rhaburn Combo - Disco Connection ( 70`s CES Lp Birds Isle Is Forever)
7. Slum Village - Get this money ( Feb 2010 DLJ Reedit)( 2000 Good Vybe 2LP Fantastic Vol 2
8. Mos Def - Sick Rick - Auditorium ( The Ecstatic 2Lp 2009)
9. Micah Gaugh - Constant ( MP3 2009 George Katsiris Production) ( DLJ slight reedit Dec 2009)
10. Spyder Turner - I can`t make it anymore ( MGM LP Stand By Me)

December 2009 CITR UBC Radio Vancouver BC Canada

1. Mos Def - Sick Rick - Auditorium ( The Ecstatic 2Lp 2009)
2. George Katsiris + Borahm Lee - goodbye studio ( Unreleased Demo Dec 2009) Snippet ( Unreleased Demo Dec 2009
3. Undisputed Truth - Friendship Train ( Self Evident + David Love Jones Nov 2009 Dubstep Remix
5. Wild Fire - Check It Out - ( Charlies Records NYC 1975
6 Jonathan Jeremiah - What`s a guy got to do? ( 2009 S/T Universal 10" )
Jonathan Jeremiah - See ( 2009 S/T Universal 10")
7. Micah Gaugh - Constant ( MP3 2009 George Katsiris Production) ( DLJ slight reedit Dec 2009)
8. Francisco Mora Catlett - Baba Lu Aye - Carl Craig edit ( David Love Jones Reedit Dec 2009 )
9. The Lord Rhaburn Combo - Disco Connection ( 70`s CES Lp Birds Isle Is Forever)
10. Michael Jackson - People make the world go round ( 1972 Motown LP Ben

November 2009 CITR UBC Radio Vancouver BC Canada

1 . Sam Dees - Child Of The Streets ( LP 1974 The Show Must Go On )
2. Jimmy Namaro - Afro Rock ( Canada Quality LP We Gotta Get It Together )
3. Jazz Liberatorz - That`s Reality ( KIF EP - Backpackers 2009 )
4. Shankar Family - Dispute and Violance ( Stripped Down DLJ Reedit Remix Sep 2009)
5 .Quest - Boy Scouts ( Oct 2009 DLJ Edit) ( 1981 Silver Lining 12)
6. Bongos Ikwue and the Groovies - You`ve gotta help yourself ( LP Nigeria Disco Funk Special
7. Helio Matheus - Mais Kriola ( 1975 LP S/T)
8. Jonathan Jeremiah - What`s a guy got to do? / See ( 2009 Universal 10" Whats a guy)
9. Kalanji Anandji - Pyar Zindagi ( Stripped Down DLJ Reedit Remix Sep 2009
10. Sy Hightower - I wonder why ( 7" Hailey Records

Aug 2009 CITR UBC Vancouver BC Canada

1. Lijadu Sisters - Orere Elejigbo ( Nigeria LP Horizon Unlimited
2. Nina Simone - Four women ( 60`s Philips LP Wild is the wind)
3. Terry Callier - What color is love ( DLJ Reedit 07 2009)( Live At Glastonbury )
4. Micheal Jackson - People make the world go round ( 70`s LP Ben)
5. Blu - Spinnin ( Van ark Production) ( 2009 LP Standing With Giants )
6. Towa Tei - Les Nubians - Funkin for Jamaica ( 2002 Warner 12)
7. Elis Regina - Can`t take my eyes off you ( 60`s Philips LP Show Elis Miele )
8 . Fakehunters Featuring Van Ark and Oz Ark Raider - Zoning ( 2009 EP)
9. Saul Williams - Pedagogue of young gods ( 2008 LP The invevitable rise..)
10. Nueva New York - Migration ( Folkways LP 58/2 - Nueva New York)

May 2009 African Rhythms Radio

1. Flying Lotus + Gonjasufi - Testament (Warp 2LP Los Angeles)
2. Samuel Jonathon Johnson - My music ( S/T LP 1978 CBS)
3. First Gear - Aint no stoppin us now ( Myrrh 1972 S/T LP)
4.The Roots / Jazzyfatnastees - Clock with no hands ( 2005 Def Jam 2LP Game Theory)
5. Terrence Hui - Beat six ( Unreleased Vancouver BC)
6. The Roots / Nat King Cole - Walking my way back home ( Nat King Cole Remixed 2009 LP)
7. Joe Bataan - Under the street lamp / I`m no stranger ( 60`s Fania LP Singin` Some Soul)
8. The Carnival - Walk on by ( 60`s World Pacific S/T LP )
9. Reality - Nowhere to hide ( 1972 Polydor Brazil S/T LP )
10. Ruby Andrews - You made a believer out of me ( Zodiac 70`s LP Black Ruby )


1. Q-Tip - Renaissance ( Universal US 2LP )

2. Raphael Saadiq / Stevie Wonder - Never give you up ( 2008 LP The way i see it)

3. Erykah Badu - Telephone ( 2008 New Amerykah 2LP )

4. 9th Wonder - Mr Dream Merchant Intro ( 2007 6holerecords 2LP )

5 Nolan Porter - If i could only be sure ( ABC 1972 )

6. Christian Prommer`s Drum Lesson - Strings of life ( 2007 Sonar Kollective 137 )

7. Oscar Peterson - Quiet Nights of Quite Stars ( 60`s Verve LP We get requests )

8. The Carnival - Walk on by ( LP 60`s World Pacific LP)

9. Emilio Santiago - Vem minina ( Mas que um momento - Philips LP )

10. The Loving Sisters - Cosmic consciousness ( ABC 1974 LP The Sisters and there Sons )

DJ David Love Jones - CITR Radio UBC Vancouver BC Canada 101.9 fM - July 2008

1 Curtis Mayfield - On the other side of town ( featuring Nas ) ( DLJ Remix June 2008 )
2. Pikahsso allen Poe - Phunkalina ( Phell in love)/ Faleyuh ( From Amercian Wierdo Pixtape )
3. Miles Davis / Hank Jones - Autumn leaves ( DLJ Remix June 2008)( Bluenote 1595 LP
4. Weldon Irvine/Marvin Gaye - Whats goin` on ( Remixed by David Love Jones June 2008 )
5. Elis Regina - How insensitive ( 1969 Philips UK LP Elis in London )
6. Matata - Talkin` talkin` ( 1974 UK LP Independence)
7. Trio Mocotto - Nao adianta ( 1977 NH LP The Brazil Sound)
8. Dynamic Breakers - Dynamic ( Total control) ( 12" Sunnyview 1984 )
9. Bossa Rio - Zazueira / Spinning wheel ( late 60`s LP on Blue Thumb)
10. Langston Hughes - Rhythms of the world ( Folkways 10" Rhythms of the world )

Jan 2008 - UBC Radio CITR Vancouver

1. Garden Of Eden - Everybody`s on a trip ( Kon`s Edit ) ( 2007 BBE LP Off Track)
2. Oscar Peterson - How insensitive / Meditation ( 1966 Verve LP Soul Espanol )
3. John Lucien - The war song ( RCA LP 1973 Rashida )
4. Strange Fruit Project - Speedbump /Maintain (2002 Black Sun Records EP)
5. Eric Campbell + Kenny Wesley - Sisters + Brothers (MP3 2007)
6. Ella Fitzgerald - The boy from Ipanema ( Verve LP)
7. Jorge Ben - A telefone tocou novamente (1970 Philips Forca Bruta LP)
8. Abbey Lincoln - Dorian ( The man with the magic ) ( 1979 Inner city LP People in me )
9. Ledisi - Alright (2007 Verve CD Lost and found)
10. Jeffree - All my loving ( LP S/T MCA 1978 )

- CITR - African Rhythms Radio - November 2007 Vancouver BC Canada

1. Kenny Wesley + Eric Campbell- Sisters and brothers (2007 MP3 + myspace eric campbell / Kenny Wesley - Serenity)
2. Nanette Natal - Six Years Down ( 2007 Benyo music - CD - I must be dreaming - )
3. Richie Havens - What about me ( Polydor LP 1971)
4. RE:jazz - Gabrielle ( Infracom 2006 LP Expansion)
5. Yolanda Johnson - Keep it moving (2006 Metamusic Records Violet flowers EP- )
6. John Lucien - The ghetto song ( RCA LP 1974 Minds Eye )
7. Strange Fruit Project - Speedbump /Maintain (2002 Black Sun Records EP)
8.Tim Buckley - Strange feeling (WB LP)
9. Ledisi - Alright (2007 CD Lost and found)
10.Hajimi Yoshizawa + Catla Werneck - Verro no ar ( Da Lata Remix) (Especial Records )

Aug 2007 African Rhythms Radio .com Vancouver Canada

1. Nanette Natal - Six Years Down ( 2007 Benyo music - CD - I must be dreaming)
2 Richie Havens - What about me ( Polydor LP 1971)
3 Jorge Ben - Brother ( 1974 Philips LP A Tabua De Esmeralda )
4 Lee Fields - My world ( Truth and soul 7"
5 Trio Mocotto - Palomares ( David Love Jones edit 2007 ( 1974 Parnaso LP)
6 Angie Stone - bone 2 pic (wit u ) (1999 LP Black Diamond )
7 Yolanda Johnson - Keep it movin` (12" Voilet flower EP 2006)
8 Joan Armatrading - Like fire ( A+M LP S/T 1976 Canada)
9 Karizma LP
10 The Brothers - Under the skin (Tyler Lewis Remix 2007) (DLJ reedit may 2007)

May 2007 Vancouver Canada

Vancouver Canada CITR
1.India Arie - Wonderfull/Castles in the sand ( Live)
2. Taylor McFerrin- Broken vibes/Georgia (US 12" EP Rude 002)
3.Labi Siffre- Rocking chair/Summer is coming (1971 Pye UK LP The singer and the song)
4.Stevie Wonder - As ( Live tribute)
5.Jesse - Until you come back to me ( LIVE on CITR 2007)
6.Ame - Rej (A hundred bird beatless mix )(2006 defected 12")
7.Chuck Mangione- The land of make believe w/ Esther Satterfield (1975 polydor LP Encore)
8. Anander Shankar - Sreets of Calcutta( 1976 EMI LP "And His music")
9.Archie Whitewater- Cross country (1970 S/T Cadet LP)
10.The Brothers - Under the skin (Tyler Lewis Remix 2007) (DLJ reedit may 2007)

APR 2007 Vancouver Canada CITR

1. Cornerstone - Sometimes i feel like a motherless child, Down on me ( LIVE CITR Feb 12 2007)
2.Infinite beats - Ease your troubled mind (Unreleased MP3 Vancouver BC Canada)
3 Strange Fruit Project - God (Feat. Darien Brockington and Yazarah), Special (Feat.Thesis ) (from 2006 OM LP Healing)
3. Ocho - Hot pants road ( Numero Tres LP UA LATINO LT-LA-153-D)
4. Rance Allen - Just my salvation ( Gospel Truth/Stax LP 1201 )(early 70`s)
5 . Marvin Franklin with Kimo and the Guys- Kona wind (1978 KKUA RECORDS LP Homegrown Hawaii)
6.Ocho - Hot pants road ( Numero Tres LP UA LATINO LT-LA-153-D)
7.Dorothy Ashby - The windmills of your mind (Cadet LP Dorothy`s Harp)
8. Nina Simone - West wind ( 2006 White label remix )
9. Wanda Robinson - A possibility ( back home)(2007 DLJ Reedit) (1973 Perception LP Me and a friend)
10. Jesse - Until you come back to me ( LIVE on CITR 2007)

African Rhythms Radio, Vancouver, Canada Feb 2007 David Love Jones

1.Bobby Hutcherson Henry Miller - The dark and the light (2003 mix David Love Jones)
2.Anais Nin - Dorothy Ashby - Talking to my child ( 2000 mix David love Jones)
3.Tama Waipara- Where i go ( Mark De Clive Lowe Touch Version)(2006 Obiquesound 12" )
4 Marvin Franklin with Kimo and the Guys- Kona wind (1978 KKUA RECORDS LP Homegrown Hawaii)
5.Nina Simone - West wind ( 2006 White label remix
6.Miguel De Deus - Black Soul Brothers ( DLJ reedit Jan 2007)/1977 Serje black soul music)
7.Alexander O`Neal - Lord ( Bah Samba mix) ( 12" 2006 BKO)
8.Lizz Wright - Open your eyes you can fly ( 2003 Verve CD)
9.Routine / Henry Miller - The creator has a masterplan(1995 mix made in Deep Cove BC Canada by David Love Jones)
10.Ocho- Undress my mind ( DLJ Reedit)(1972 UA LP) )

.............................................December 2006 CITR 101.9 fM David Love Jones

1 Lizz Wright - Open your eyes you can fly / Lead the way ( 2003 Verve CD
2.Jazztronik- Pathways (Especial 2006 en:Code EP )
3.Nikki O - Butterflies (Nikki-O EP Mahogani Music)
4.Henry Miller / Wes Montgomery - Bumpin` on sunset ( DLJ Nov 2006 Reedit)
5.Strange Fruit Project/Procussions- Changes ( Hip Hop Is Music 12"/EP Heavy Rotation 2006)
6.Amira Baraka /David Murray - Strunza med ( 1981 India Navigation LP New Music New Poetry)
7. Alexander O`Neal - Lord ( Bah Samba mix) ( 12" 2006 BKO)
8. DJ Z- Trip - The Motown breakdown pt 1 ( Motown DJ 12")
9.Ruben Blades - Juan Pachanga (David Love jones reedit)(from Fania LP "Bohemia Poeta 1979)
10. Miguel De Deus - Black Soul Brothers ( S/T 1977 Underground LP Brasil)

David Love Jones CITR RADIO November 2006

CITR RADIO November 2006

DJ David Love Jones

1. Jay Dee - Love Ft. Pharoah Monch/So far to go ft. Common + D`Angelo ( The Shining BBE 2006 LP)
2. DJ Z- Trip - The Motown breakdown pt 1 ( Motown DJ 12")
3. Wilson Das Neves - California soul ( LP "Som Quente Eo Das Neves") )
4. Nanette Natal - I must be dreaming( 2006 Benyo music CD single promo)
5. Strange Fruit Project/Procussions- Changes ( Hip Hop Is Music 12"/EP Heavy Rotation 2006)
6. Louie Vega - Aphroditie ( David Love Jones Reedit Nov 2006)( KJM EP2 Japan
7. Lizz Wright - Open your eyes you can fly ( 2003 Verve CD Salt )
8. Jazztronik- Pathways (Especial 2006 en:Code EP)
9. Serge Jorge - Rebel Rebel ( 2006 12" DJAZZ3)
10. Bobby Taylor - Grandma`s hands/Harlem ( Unreleased tracks) ( 2006 CD The Motown Anthology)

TOP 10 Sep 01 2006 African Rhythms Radio CITR Vancouver , Canada.DJ David Love Jones

African Rhythms Radio

1.Bobby Taylor - People get ready( Live @ Rossini`s Gastown Vancouver July 2006)
2.Bobby Taylor - There are roses somewhere in this world ( 2006 DLJ Reedit)( Sunflower 45RPM 1972 )
3. Cut Chemist - The Garden ( Promo 12" 2006)
4. Sam Dees - The heritage of a black man ( CD 1998 S/T 1988 ACE/GRC)
5.Tom Ze - Curiosidade (Luakabop CD Beleza tropical 2 Novo
6.Nanette Natal - I must be dreaming( 2006 Benyo music CD single promo)
7.Seu Jorge - De alegria rajou o dia / Chega no sungue ( Mr Bongo CD Carolina)
8. Karen Jones - Here i go again/ So right (1982 Handshake CD "Under the influence of love")
9. Bobby Taylor - Grandma`s hands/Harlem ( Unreleased tracks) ( 2006 CD The Motown Anthology)
10. Vivid - fever - (Live @ Rossini`s Vancouver, Canada 2006 )

July 2006 African Rhythms Radio DJ David Love Jones CITR Fridays

1. Cut Chemist - The Garden ( Promo 12" 2006)
2.Roberta Flack - Tryin` times( Londra promo 12" 2006)
3.OST - Time To Run (LP Worldwide records 1974)
4.Gerson King Combo - Foi um sonho so ( DLJ remix 2006) ( LP S/T Polydor)
5.First gear - I feel the earth move ( Myrrh LP 1972 Word )
6.Papaya - Favela (1976 Wolf Records LP Seattle)
7.Marcos Valle - Nao tem nada nao ( Odean 1973 LP Previsao do tempo )
8.Lyn Christopher - Take me with you ( Paramount 1973 LP )
9.1LUV - The answer ( 2006 Vancouver B.C. CDR/Sonar Kollective )
10.Coldcut - Sound mirrors (DLJ Remix)( 2006 Ninja Tune S/T LP

African Rhythms Radio CITR UBC Radio Vancouver Canada David Love Jones

1. 1LUV - The answer ( 2006 Vancouver B.C. CDR/Sonar Kollective )
2. M.O. - Jive walkin` Ft. The Young Lions ( 2006 CD "Call it music" Vancouver B.C Canada)
3..Ray Barretto - Tin tin deo. ( DLJ Reedit march 2006 /Fania 7529)
4.Tyler Lewis / Chicago - Street player ( unreleased 2006 Remix Vancouver Canada)
5. J Dilla - Workinonit/People ( 2006 Stones Throw LP Donuts)
6. Afroheat Vol 4 (12" EP
7. Norman Amadio Trio- Taboo ( Canadian Talent Library M1037)
8. Side Effect - Private world (1977 Fantasy Lp Goin` bananas)
9. Rachelle Ferrell - Sista (2000 Capitol CD Individuality)
10. Coldcut - Sound mirrors (DLJ Remix)( 2006 Ninja Tune S/T LP)

Apr 01 2006 African rhythms DJ David Love Jones

1. Miguel De Deus - Flaca louca ( DLJ reedit 2006/1977 Serje black soul music)
2.Sergio mendes & Brasil 66 - Empty faces (A+M 1966 )
3.Toni Espisito - L`eroe di plastica (Urban Cassics 3 LP)
4.Banda Black Rio - Miss cheryl (DLJ reedit march 2006 /1980 RCA Brasil)
5.Ray Barretto - Tin tin deo. ( DLJ Reedit march 2006 /Fania 7529)
6.Riley Inge and Ryze Band - Whats goin` on ( Unreleased live at the River Rock River Casino Vancouver B.C. 2005 )
7.Riley Inge/Andre Benjamin/Nick Apivor - Save the world ( 2006 live @ CITR Radio)
8. 9th Wonder - The righteous way (2005 CD Jay Quest vs 9th Wonder)
9. Willie Colon/Ruben Blades - Plantacion adentro( Fania 1978 LP 49 minutes)
10. Tommy Stewert - Fulton county line (1976 Abraxos S/T LP)

Jan 15th 2006 David Love Jones African Rhythms Radio .com Vancouver CITR FM

1. D`Angelo - Curto de veu e grinalda (S/T Brasil LP )
2. Frank Lau - Morning (Unreleased Canadian MP3 DLJ special reedit 2005)
3. Gerardo Frisina - Cortante ( David Love jones 2006 special reedit )(Schema CD 2005 "The Latin Kick ")
4. Paul Randolph - Idle time (2005 12" Mahogani Music)
5. Ahmed Abdul Malik - Communication (Special DLJ Edit 2005) ( "Sounds of Africa" New Jazz 1962 LP)
6. Kenny Dixon Jr - LTD 1 + 2 (12" 2005)
7. Empyreal Coalition - One of a kind (w/ Roy Ayers,) (2006 Unreleased CD
8. Valencia Robinson - BlackSolsista ( 2005 Groovin Records Jazzy Jeff Soul Mixtape)
9. Dizzy Gillespie- Swing low sweet cadillac (Gerardo frisina remix 2005 Impulsive) LP)
10. Ray Barretto - Tin tin deo (Fania LP 7529) Vancouver CITR FM David Love Jones

1. Gerardo Frisina - Alborado (DLJ 2005 Reedit )Congart (DLJ 2005 Reedit )( Afro Art 12" 2005)
2. Dianne Reeves - Passageway ( PAJ Records LP "Welcome to my love")
3. Build an Ark - You`ve got to have freedom ( Two banks of four remix) ( Compost LP " Soul Searching" 2005 )
4. Fat Freddy`s Drop - Dark Days ( 2005 LP "Based on a true story"
5. Mark De Clive -Lowe - State of the mental ( Phuturistic remix)(2005 12" ABB Soul)
6. Elis Regina - Mundo deserto (1971 Philips Brazil LP Ela
7. Valencia Robinson - BlackSolsista ( 2005 Groovin Records Jazzy Jeff Soul Mixtape)
8. Marc Mac - In tune for God ( 2005 ABB Soul LP " How about a game of chess")
9. Black Fairy - Travel to Africa( 1975 Taifa LP Black Fairy )
10. Osmar Milito - Cantaloup Island ( 1971 Som Livre LP " ...e deixa o relogio andar! )

Top 10 Chart - Vancouver CITR FM David Love Jones

Nov 01 2005

1.Woods Empire - Universal love (from Tabu S/T 1981 LP )
2.Kalyanji Anandji - Dharmatma theme music (DLJ reedit)(Sitar Beat Vol 3)
3.Gerardo Frisina - Congart (DLJ 2005 Reedit )( Afro Art 12" 2005)
4.Joe Claussell/Double Exposure- Everyman (Japanese issue 12")
5. Build an Ark - You`ve got to have freedom ( Two banks of four remix) ( Compost LP " Soul Searching" 2005 )
6.Meldeah / Mac - Polar personified ( 2005 CD Hidden Souls
6.Letta Mbulu / David Axelrod- Pula yetla ( 2005 Capitol reissue 12")
7.Will Inman /Absolute Elswhere-Kauri (Oct 2005 unreleased David love jones Mix)
8.Beloyd - Get into my life (1977 20th Century 45RPM)
9.Billy Paul - Let the dollar circulate ( 1975 Philly Int LP "When love is new")
10.Quasimoto/Roy Ayers - Seasons change ( 45RPM 2005 Stones Throw Records) Vancouver CITR FM David Love Jones

1. Langston Hughes -Rhythms of the World (Folkways 10" Single )
2. Ronnie Gee - Raptivity (DLJ Special reedit) (Reflection Records 1980 12")
3. Jhelisa Anderson/RE:Jazz - Inner city life ( 2004 Infracom LP Point of view)
4. Nina Simone /Henry miller - African mailman ( DLJ Remix Sep 2005)
5. Patti Austin - In and out of love (1998 Concord LP S/T)
6. Dwele - I think i love you (Virgin 2005 12")
7. Sterling Ensemble ft. Juliet Malsha - Believe ( 2005 12" Ricanstruction)
8. Roy Ayers - Tarzan ( BBE 2005 )
9. Sun Ra/ Henry miller - Door of the cosmos ( David Love Jones Mix Sep 2005 )
10. Fertile Ground - Black is ( 2005 S/T CD )

- Aug 15th 2005 DAVID LOVE JONES African Rhythms Radio . com CITR RADIO VANCOUVER CANADA

1. Moodyman / KDJ 16 - Sunday Morning/ ? (KDJ12/16 12")
2. U- Roy & Francois K. - Rootsman (The deep space Rhythm section roots dub) ( 2005 Deep space 10 " )
3 .The Love Unlimited - The midnight groove ( 1975 20th Century Promo 45 RPM)
4 . Leela James - Music (2005 unreleased MP3 hoods Reedit )
5 . Bottle Head - Bottle head in fine style (Niney the observer Jamaica 45RPM)
6 . Grandmaster Flash - The turntable mix vol 2 (side B )(Promo 12 " Official adventures of..)
7.) 7 Samurai - "Brothers" ( 2005 Promo Gamm 022 )
8.Earth Wind and Fire - Lets groove (Instrumental version ) ( 2055 David Love Jones Edit)
9.Dee Felice Trio - Nightingale ( 2005 Jazzman 45RPM )
10 Oscar Peterson - Mas que nada ( 1966 Limelight LP Soul Espanol )


1 . Krishnamurti/Tibetan Bells- Virtue (2005 DLJ Mix)
Dorothy Ashby/Krishnamurti - Invitation (2005 David Love Jones Mix )
2. Jackie Mittoo - Highways (Of my life ) ( 1978 Canadian Talent Library LP " Lets put it all together")
3. Grandmaster Flash - Freedom ( 1980 Sugarhill Records Unreleased version)
4 . Kathryn Moses - Ready or not ( Do Right! music 2005 Canadian EP " Deep Jazz Grooves")
5. Althea Rene`- Serenity (2000 CD Chocalate Caramel Music CD "Flute Talk" )
6. Ginger Jackson - Gingerlude ( 2004 CD Ghetto Bourgeois )
7.Felix Laband - Whistling In Tongues (2005 CD DarkDays Exit)
8.Oscar Toney Jnr - Is it because i`m black ( 1975 Contempo LP "I`ve been loving..."
9..Quasimoto - Tomorrow never knows, 1994, Another demo tape ( 2005 Stones throw LP Further adventures of...)
10. Tania Maria - Pot pouri Jorge Ben ( 1975 Barclay LP Via Brasil Vol 2 )

June 15th 2005 David Love Jones CITR UBC RADIO VANCOUVER

1. Leon Ware - Inside your love ( Fabulos Records 1979 S/T LP)
2. Tania Maria - Pot pouri Jorge Ben ( 1975 Barclay LP Via Brasil Vol 2 )
3.Quasimoto - Tomorrow never knows, 1994, Another demo tape ( 2005 Stones throw LP Further adventures of...)
4 . Gabin/Nicola Conte/Dee Dee Bridgewater - Into my soul (2005 EMI 12" )
5 . Quest - Run Jesse run ( Silver Lining Records 12" 1984)
6. Nanette Natal - Individually ( 1982 Benyo LP Wild in reverie )
7. Pharoah Sanders - Memories of J.C.(2005 DLJ EDIT)
8. Seville and Jazzy Jay - Make it funky (1999 Scratch Masters vol 2 LP )
9.Nina Simone - When i was a young girl ( TLP 8020 Trip Records LP Live in Europe)
10.Dorothy Ashby/Krishnamurti - Invitation (2005 David Love Jones Mix )


David Love Jones CITR RADIO Vancouver

May 15th 2005

1. Fertile Ground - Yellow Daises Nicola Conte`s " Ptah El Daoud" Rework (2005 Counterpoint 10" )
2. N`Dambi - I think for sure (2002 Soul Brother CD Tunin` Up and Cosignin`)
3.Tania Maria - Pot pouri Jorge Ben ( 1975 Barclay LP Via Brasil Vol 2 )
4. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - This land is your land ( Daptone LP Naturally)
5. Dorothy Ashby - Invitation ( 1965 Atlantic LP The Fantastic Jazz Harp Of...)
6. Quasimoto - Tomorrow never knows ( 2005 Stones throw LP Further adventures of...)
7 . Cloud One - Patty Duke (Queen Constance/ Sounds of New York USA Vol 1 )
8 . Reality - Music in my head ( 1972 Polydor Brazil S/T LP )
9. Alice Coltrane - Atmic peace ( 1968 Impulse LP A Monastic Trio Dedicated to John Coltrane)
10. Coke Escovedo -Make it sweet ( 1975 Mercury 45 RPM also on LP "Coke" )



1.Universal Robot Band - Dance and shake your tambourine ( 45 RPM Amour AM)
2 .N`Dambi - I think for sure (2002 Soul Brother CD Tunin` Up and Cosignin`)
3.Dale Dennard - If you can live with yourself ( Coach Records 1972 )
4.Maya Azucena - Walk for miles ( 2003 CD Maya Who? )
5.Soul Id- Tender ( 2005 MP3 )
6.Henry Miller/ Sun Ra - The Humblest(2005 David Love Jones remix)
7.Mark de Clive-Lowe - Heaven (2005 ABB Soul LP Tide`s Arising)
8.4 Hero - Dells bells,Bad Minute etc (2005 MP3)
9.Q-Tip - Its time (2005 12" White label)
10.Celia Cruz / Willie Colon - Berimbau ( 1981 Vaya LP )

- CITR RADIO David Love Jones March 15th 2005

1.Eric Roberson - "Couldn`t Hear Me"+ "Women" (Cd`s
2004 The Vault/Esoteric...2001)
2.Teena Marie- Hit me where i live (2004 Cd La Dona)
3.Deloach - Writers block ( 2005 unreleased MP3)
4. Soul Id- Tender ( 2005 MP3 )
5. Jneiro Jarel - Big bounce theory/Doiniss!! ( 2005 12" Kindrid Spirits KSPRO1)
6.Pikahsso - Verb (2005 unreleased MP3) .
7.Henry Miller/ Sun Ra - The Humblest(2005 David Love Jones remix)
8.Dee Dee Bridgewater - Sweet rain (Elektra Promo 12" 1978)
9. 4 Hero - Dells bells,Bad Minute etc (2005 MP3)
10.Stevie Wonder - 7 Samurai (Gamm 2005 Promo 12")
10.. Betty Carter- Children learn what they live ( ? BETCAR S/T LP)

CITR RADIO David Love Jones Feb 14 2005

1.Carlos Dafe - Hello Mr Wonder(1977 WB LP Pra que vou recorder)
2.Build An Ark - The Blessing Song (2004 Plug Research CD )
3.Deloach - Writers block ( 2005 unreleased MP3)
4.Pharoah Sanders /Henry Miller-Find your Rhythm (1998 David Love Jones mix)
5.Pikahsso - Verb (2005 unreleased MP3) .
6.Nonameko- "Mellow tone" (from Loud Minority 2005 promo 45RPM)
7.Gloria Scott - Just as long as we`re together ( Casablanca 1974 45 RPM)
8.Rotating Assembly - Rust Organic (2004 Sound Signature 12")
9 Sa Ra- Theme (2004 Ubiquity 12")
10.Teena Marie/De De O`neal - I love Him too/Hit me where i live (2004 Cd La Dona)
10(tied)Roy Ayers - I really love you (2003 Virgin Ubiquity LP)

- CITR RADIO David Love Jones Feb 01 2005

1.Pharoah Sanders /Henry Miller-Find your Rhythm (1998 David Love Jones mix)
2.Ana Mazzotti - Eu sou mais eu (1974 Top Tape LP)
3.Deloach - Writers block ( 2005 unreleased MP3)
4.Ozo - Anambra (1976 LP Listen to the Buddha )
5.Zap Mama - Yaku (2004 CD Ancestry in progress)
6.Nonameko- "Mellow tone" (from Loud Minority promo 45RPM)
7.Gloria Scott - Just as long as we`re together ( Casablanca 1974 45 RPM)
8.Rotating Assembly - Rust Organic (2004 Sound Signature 12")
9.Roots - " Din Da Da" (Geffen 2004 12")
10.Teena Marie/De De O`neal - I love Him too/Hit me where i live (2004 Cd La Dona)

CITR RADIO David Love Jones Jan 15 2005

1.Soul Id - Believe (2004 One Trak unreleased CD Single ).
2.High Fashion - I want to be your everything/ Feelin` lucky (1982 S/T Capitol LP)
3. Ana Mazzotti - Eu sou mais eu (1974 Top Tape LP)
4.Ozo - Anambra (1976 LP Listen to the Buddha )
5. Kyoto Jazz Massive - Endless flight (2004 12" KJM EP03)
6.Nonameko- "Mellow tone" (from Loud Minority promo 45RPM)
7.Gloria Scott - Just as long as we`re together ( Casablanca 1974 45 RPM)
8.Zap Mama - Yaku (2004 CD Ancestry in progress)
9.Pharoah Sanders /Henry Miller-Find your Rhythm (1998 David Love Jones mix)
10.Francisco Aguabella - Nanigo number one (Spanish Jazz Italy V/A LP)

- CITR RADIO Jan 01 2005

1. Soul Id - Believe (2004 One Trak unreleased CD Single ).
2. High Fashion - Feelin` lucky (1982 S/T Capitol LP)
3. Kyoto Jazz Massive - Endless flight (2004 12" KJM EP03)
4.Rance Allen - Reason to survive (1977 Capitol LP Say my friend)
5.Build An Ark - You`ve gotta have freedom(2004 Plug Research CD)
6.Francisco Aguabella - Nanigo number one (Spanish Jazz Italy V/A LP)
7.Roy Ayers - Mystic voyage(Vocal version) (BBE 2003 Unreleased Version Virgin Ubiquity)
8.Trio Mocoto - Swinga Sambary(S/T 1974 LP Parnaso Records)
9.Minnie Riperton - Can you feel what i am saying(Live Capitol 1981 Best Of Hits.Live..and then some.)
10.General Lee - We did it baby Pt One (7" Single Lost Weekend 1979)

CITR RADIO Dec 15 2004

1. Trio Mocoto - Swinga Sambary(S/T 1974 LP Parnaso Records)
2 Soul Id - Believe (2004 One Trak unreleased CD Single ).
3.Nonameko- In a sentimental mood(Outkast),Honeysuckle Rose .. In a mellow tone. (from CD Not So Standard Mixtape vol 1 2004)
4.Gerardo Frisina blends Sabu Martinez & Sahib Shihab - African Seeds (Schema 2004)
5 . The Five Corners Quintet- Different Corners(Nicola Conte Mix)(Ricky Tick 2004 12")
6.Francisco Aguabella - Nanigo number one (S. J. Italy V/A LP)
7 Golden Flamingo Orch.-The Guardian Angel is watching over us(Golden Flaming GF 2929)
8.Gerardo Frisina - Descarga (2001 Schema/ Edizion Italy)
9.Intuit - Planet Birth (Compost 12" 2004 Truby Trio Mix)
10.Minnie Riperton - Can you feel what i am saying(Live Capitol 1981 Best Of Hits.Live..and then some.)


CITR RADIO Dec 01 2004

1. Angie Stone - Lovers ghetto featuring Styles P(unreleased Remix) /Interlude/Come Home[live with me} (2004 Stone Love CD)
2. Mark de Clive-Lowe- Traveling featuring Bembe Segue/Capitol A(antipodean EP Tide`s Arising )
3.Nonameko- In a sentimental mood(Outkast),Honeysuckle Rose .. In a mellow tone. (from CD Not So Standard Mixtape vol 1 2004)
4.Gerardo Frisina blends Sabu Martinez & Sahib Shihab - African Seeds (Schema 12" 2004)
5 . The Five Corners Quintet- Different Corners(Nicola Conte Mix)
6.Intuit - Planet Birth featuring Andy Bey(Truby Trio Treatment) ( Compost EP 2004)
7.Banda Black Rio - - Danca do dia (1978 RCA Brasil Lp Gafieira Universal)
8.Jay Dee- African Rhythms (From 2003 BBE Lp Welcome to Detroit)
9. Astrud Gilberto/Deodato- Take it easy my Brother Charlie(1972 Perception LP Now)
10.Golden Flamingo Orch.-The Guardian Angel is watching over us(Golden Flaming GF 2929)


1.Gerardo Frisina blends Sabu Martinez & Sahib Shihab - African Seeds (Schema 12" 2004)
2.Ashford and Simpson - Stay free (from WB 1979 LP)
3.Nonameko- In a sentimental mood(Outkast),Honeysuckle Rose .. In a mellow tone. (from CD Not So Standard Mixtape vol 1 2004)
4.Theo Parrish - Summertime is here (from Ubiquity LP Parallel Dimensions)
5.Angie Stone - Lovers ghetto featuring Styles P(unreleased Remix) /Interlude/Come Home[live with me} (2004 Stone Love CD)
6.Nikki Giovanni - The Women Gather (1975 Atlantic LP The way i feel)
7.Charivari - Interlude Jazz( from 2004 12" WHEEPAPADOOWE))(Innovative Nu Jazz from France )
8. Birdapres - Can`t Escape feat Alfa ming (Van City Hip Hop from The Grind Vol 1 Mixtape)
9.Banda Black Rio - - Danca do dia (1978 RCA Brasil Lp Gafieira Universal)
10.Hector Lavoe - El Cantante( Fania LP 311-0062)

Nov 01 2004 CITR

1.Gerardo Frisina blends Sabu Martinez & Sahib Shihab - African Seeds (Schema 12" 2004)
2.Isley Brothers - So you want to stay down (from T-neck LP Harvest for the World )
3.Nonameko- In a sentimental mood(Outkast),Honeysuckle Rose .. In a mellow tone. (from CD Not So Standard Mixtape vol 1 2004)
4.Theo Parrish - Summertime is here (from Ubiquity LP Parallel Dimensions)
5.Angie Stone - Lovers ghetto /Interlude/Come Home[live with me} (2004 Stone Love CD)
6.Nikki Giovanni - The Women Gather (1975 Atlantic LP The way i feel)
7.Charivari - Interlude Jazz( from 2004 12" WHEEPAPADOOWE))(Innovative Nu Jazz from France )
8.Intuit - Western Sunrise featuring Andy Bey ( Compost Records 2004 12" Toshio Matsuura Remix)
9.Banda Black Rio - - Danca do dia (1978 RCA Brasil Lp Gafieira Universal)
10.Hector Lavoe - El Cantante( Fania LP 311-0062)

OCT 15 th 2004

1.Gerardo Frisina blends Sabu Martinez & Sahib Shihab - African Seeds (Schema 12" 2004)
2.Dwele - Twuneanunda ( 2002 Rize LP)
3.Nonameko/Outcast - In a sentimental mood (<from NOT SO STANDARD MIXTAPE vol 1 2004)
4.Willie Bobo Edit - Desarga de Bobo MAW Remix ( 2004 Verve LP Latin Sounds)
5.Angie Stone - Lovers ghetto /Interlude/Come Home[live with me} (2004 Stone Love CD)
6.Cesaria Evora - Petit Pays Chateau flight mix ( 2003 BMG LP Club Sodade )
7.Brainstorm - Brand new day (1978 Tabu LP Journey to the light)
8.Yusef Lateef - Like it is ( 1968 Atlantic Lp The Blue Yusef)
9.Banda Black Rio - - Danca do dia (1978 RCA Brasil Lp Gafieira Universal)
10.Charivari - Interlude Jazz( from 2004 12" WHEEPAPADOOWE))(Innovative Nu Jazz from France )


1.Northern Soil- Find yourself <Drop Music 12" 2000>
2.Cesaria Evora - Petit Pays Chateau flight mix ( 2003 BMG LP Club Sodade )
3.Henrik Schwartz - Chicago ( 2003 Moodmusic 12")
(Hypnotic Roy Ayers sampled Nu Jazz)
4.Willie Bobo Edit - Desarga de Bobo MAW Remix ( 2004 Verve LP Latin Sounds)
5.Nikki Giovani - The Women gather(1975 Atlantic Lp The Way i feel
6.Incognito - Mr Jones (2004 Dome/Rice Records LP Adventures in Black
7.Angie Stone - Interlude/Come Home[live with me}
,Lovers Ghetto. (2004 Stone Love CD)
8.Charivari - Interlude Jazz ( from 2004 12" WHEEPAPADOOWE))(Innovative Nu Jazz from France
9.Sleepwalker w/ Bembe Segue - Into the sun
10.Meireles a sua Orquestra - Ritmo <from Vol 2 Brasil LP>

Top 10 Sep 15,2004

1.Angie Stone - Interlude/Come home< live with me>/Touch it.<CD Stone Love>
2.Kanya West featuring Common,Mase -Jesus walks.< remix 2004 Promo>
3.Jill Scott - Cross my mind/Golden< 2004 Hidden beach LP Beautifully Human>
4.Terumasa Hino - Samba De-La Cruz <from < 1979 Flying disc LP City Connection>.<thanx to Shinya from Japan for this one>
5 Johnnie Taylor - What about this love < 1982 12" Beverley Glen Music >
6.Nonameko - Honeysuckle Rose /Get Money.. In a mellow tone./Check the rhythm<from NOT SO STANDARD MIXTAPE vol 1 2004>
7..Dorothy Ashby - The moving finger< 1970 Cadet LP "The rubaiyat of...>
8.Antonio Carlos and Jocafi - Glorioso santo Maria <1973 RCA S/T LP>
9.Roy Ayers/Carla Vaughn - Mystic Voyage <from 2003 LP Virgin Ubiquity>
10.Sergio Mendes -Promise of the fisherman <A=M LP Primal Roots>

Top 10 Aug 15,2004

1.Dorothy Ashby - The moving finger< 1970 Cadet LP "The rubaiyat of...>
2.Junior Jack-esamba <12" PIAS 2002>
3.Angie Stone- Life Go on <from Mahogany Soul>
4.Kim Tamang - Not by bread alone <V/A 2LP Soul Spectrum BOB JONES>
5.Paul Murphy/Marc Woolford project - Jazz Room<Afro Art 2004 12" Spiritual South Mix>
6.Kanya West -Jesus walks 12"
7.Wanda -Nega de obauae <Cd Brazilian Beats 2>
8.Candido - I`m on my way <1970 Bluenote LP Beautifull>
9.Sergio Mendes- Reza <Tower LP In the Brazilian Bag>
10.Wilson Das Neves -Pick up the pieces <LP O Som Quente E`O Das Neves>

Top 10 Aug 01, 2004

1. Candido - I`m on my way <1970 Bluenote LP Beautifull>
2. Junior Jack-esamba <12" PIAS 2002>
3. Angie Stone- Life Go on <from Mahogany Soul>
4. Intuit - Western sunrise featuring Andy Bey,Muneer B. Fennell<Compost records CD 2004>
5. 4Hero /Horace Silver - Won`t you open up your senses <Bluenote records CD Revisited 2004>
6. Kanya West -Jesus walks 12"
7. Wanda -Nega de obauae <Cd Brazilian Beats 2>
8. Dwele -Subject LP>
9. Sergio Mendes- Reza <Tower LP In the Brazilian Bag>
10.Wilson Das Neves -Pick up the pieces <LP O Som Quente E`O Das Neves>

Top 10 July 15th 2004

1..Candido - I`m on my way <1970 Bluenote LP Beautifull>
2.Junior Jack-esamba <12" PIAS 2002>
3.Angie Stone- Life goes on <2001 Mahogany Soul LP>
4.Intuit - Western sunrise featuring Andy Bey,Muneer B. Fennell<Compost records CD 2004>
5. 4Hero /Horace Silver - Won`t you open up your senses <Bluenote records CD Revisited 2004>
6.JESUS WALKS - Kanye West 12"
7.Wanda -Nega de obauae <Cd Brazilian Beats 2>
8.Dwele -Subject LP>
9.Sergio Mendes- Reza <Tower LP In the Brazilian Bag>
10.Wilson Das Neves -Pick up the pieces <LP O Som Quente E`O Das Neves>

Top 10 June 30th 2004

1.Junior Jack-esamba <12" PIAS 2003>
2.Wanda -Nega de obauae <Cd Brazilian Beats 2>
3.Angie Stone- Life goes on <2001 Mahogany Soul LP>
4.Intuit - Western sunrise featuring Andy Bey,Muneer B. Fennell<Compost
records CD 2004>
5. 4Hero /Horace Silver - Won`t you open up your senses <Bluenote records CD
Revisited 2004>
6.George Benson -Love Ballad <A+M 1997 LP>
7.Earth Wind and Fire-I`ve had enough <1981 CBS LP Raise>
8.Candido - I`m on my way <1970 Bluenote LP Beautifull>
9.Sergio Mendes- Reza <Tower LP In the Brazilian Bag>
10.Wilson Das Neves -Pick up the pieces <LP O Som Quente E`O Das Neves>

Top 10 May 15, 2004

1 .Trio Mocoto, , Desaparezca<LP track 1974 Parnaso Records>
2.Jay Dee -Think twice<"Welcome 2 Detroit" LP 2003>
3 Kenny Dope/Bobby Hutcherson-La Malanga<2004 Bluenote 12">
4.LTD - Holding on <LP track from "Togetherness" 1978>
5 Marvin Gaye-Music <Acappella version 2001>
6.Elis Regina-Aviso Aos Navegantes<Lp track from Ela 1971>
7.The Free Design-Umbrellas<from "Redesigned" EP 2004 Peanut butter Wolf remix>
8.Gil Scott Heron-Song of the wind<1977 Lp track Arista Records>
9.Billy Wooten-Chicango<Chicango land><1979 Lp "In this world">
10.Kanya West-Jesus walks<College Dropout LP Track. 2004>

Top Ten Nov 15 2003

1. CESARIA EVORA - Angola <Pepe Bradock Bateau Ivre rework 12 BMG>
3. MUSIQ- FORTHENIGHT <12 -2003>
4. Tito Puente - T.P treat<Latin Soul LP track>
5. Outcast-My Favorite Things <ARISTA LP Track 2003>
6. Gil Scott Heron - The Klan <from Arista Lp Real Eyes 1980>
7. Miles Davis - Shhh KING BRITT REMIX<12" JAPAN on SME records>
8. Donnie Rocketship <12 Shelter mix>
9. Irfane - Just a little lovin`(newborn 12")
10. Antonio Adolfo and Brazuca - Voo da Apolo <From LP S/T on Odean from 1969>

TOP 10 SEPT 01 2003

8.KAMAU-OLD SOUL/BRAINSTORMING<12" the creation company>.<Canadian HIP HOP>

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